Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bring Out Your Inner Brick Mason

Build Something but Keep Your Hands Clean.
Masons have a job that offers a special satisfaction. Each day they turn a pile of brick, some sand, water and cement in to something that can be clearly seen at the end of the day and may stand for hundreds of years.
The fifth generation of newspaper photo reprint software is being built right now. This is the only software that has been built from the ground up for newspapers to display and sell photo reprints. We'd like for you to enjoy some of the mason's satisfaction and help build it by writing to us and making suggestions for improving MyNewsPhotos version 5.0. You can reach me at Allen@MyNewsPhotos.com or your MNP Region Manager. 100's of newspapers have helped make us what we are so far and we thank every one of them. Please join them and help us build something good and strong but without the calluses or heavy lifting.
Thank you for considering it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Habits Aren't Just for Nuns

We humans are ruled by our habits. From the way we brush our teeth to the way we read the paper to the way we surf the web. The happy anticipation of opening the fresh newspaper or visiting the paper's home page. It's Pavlovian how we respond to certain stimuli, but that response must be learned. How does our brain learn it? Repetition. Why is this important? We all want our readers to form a web surfing habit of visiting our paper's web site and looking at our photos. To cultivate this habit in them the content must be fresh with every visit. That's why the MyNewsPhotos gallery software places the newest content first and that is why uploading with every new edition separates the successful, money-making papers from those that ...well... find uploading a chore to be delayed. Which side is your paper on? Fresh Content=Fresh Excitement=Results.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Public's Preferred Pages Preserved for Posterity

Your newspaper's pages are valuable. Some are so valuable to certain readers they want them preserved for years as museum quality reproductions.
Let's help those readers out and open a new revenue stream. How? Contact your MyNewsPhoto Region Manager and ask them to turn on the Full Page Reprint wizard. Once they throw the switch a link will appear in your photo gallery that will allow readers to order their favorite pages of your paper reproduced on archival quality materials with bright white paper and rich colors not possible using newsprint and ink. Perhaps best of all IT REQUIRES NO WORK ON YOUR PART UNTIL AN ORDER IS PLACED. Once an order is placed an email is automatically generated and sent to whomever you have designated at your paper asking them to send the appropiate pfd file to us at the lab. To keep readers from ordering pages that are unavailable the wizard tells the reader just how far back pages are available.
So the next time you publish a story about a sports championship, a local business, a featured althlete or artist just know that someone will want to preserve it. Let's help them out.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Your Newspaper's business model makes Microsoft jealous?

ROI--Return on investment.
For any publication to be successful it must realize more money coming in than going out. How? Maximize the return on any investment. There may be no activity the newspaper engages in that provides a larger ROI than uploading news photos. Since a photographer would be sent to cover the story even with no uploading and the gallery cost nothing to setup; there are no real costs up to this point. So if a staff member that makes $20.00 per hour spends the 3.5 seconds needed to drag a folder of photographs onto the uploader and that results in one average sale of $34.00 the paper realizes approximately a 95,000% return.

That's an ROI even Microsoft would envy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Images Aren't Just for Printing

The Readers Have Spoken With Their Wallets.

A fun fact; even though 2009 was a great year for amateur online photo companies like Snapfish and Shutterfly and they made record amounts of 4x6 inch photo prints they made even MORE money on photo gifts and photobooks and other products that are not traditional 4x6 prints. With photo mugs the leading photo gift. The lesson we should take away from this is that if you want to maximize the revenue from your newspaper's photo gallery you need to turn on products like photo mugs, mousepads, T-shirts and collages. Magnets and photobuttons sell well during little league too.

Let's reach out with both hands and pull in that money that we have been leaving on the table by offering too narrow of a product selection.