Thursday, October 28, 2010

Your Readers Want Bargains. Let's Deliver Them

What is the perfect product to sell?
  • One that only you offer.
  • One that is a value to the buyer while providing high margins.
  • One that delights your buyer so it provides a win-win transaction.
I suggest that photo reprints from your paper combined with MyNewsPhotos' 8x10 Buy One Get One FREE offer between now and 2011 creates the perfect product.

How do we make it happen?
  • If you are current client DOWNLOAD the house ad and run it in every edition between now and New Year's Day.
  • Upload right photographing an event.
  • If you have an email list of your readers send them this offer.
We'll write to all of your reraders who have already ordered photos in the past and tell them about the offer and we'll even pay all the costs of the extra print!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oh Canada

If your paper isn't in Canada you are excused from reading this week's tip.
If you do have readers in Canada we have good news. All of the features of the only software created from the ground up for newspaper online photo reprint success are now available in Canadian dollars. If you are current client your MyNewsPhotos Region Manager will be contacting you and converting your account in the next few days. If you are not a current client but would like to start up a new revenue stream for your paper Contact Us.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Often Should We Run a House Ad?

Every photo in every edition of your paper will have at least reader that wants to buy it. How much they want to buy it is another issue, but assuming they want to buy it badly enough to pull out the credit card then it is essential that they know to do when the urge to order a print hits. This means that house ads for photo reprints need to run in EVERY EDITION. And better yet every photo should have a line under it suggesting "To see more photos go to"

MyNewsPhotos offers an entire House Ad Library with ads from one column inch to a 1/2 page ready to download in minutes.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Photographers' Torment or How to Shoot Photos in a High School Gym.

Shooting good looking action photos in a gym without supplemental lighting is tough. Here's how to get the best possible exposure.
  1. Set camera exposure mode to "A" for Aperture Priority. This means we are going to choose (in Step 3 below)  how wide open the aperture is and let the camera choose the shutter SPEED (how long the shutter is open.) See picture on left. Your knob may vary.
  2. Set your ISO to the highest number on your camera. depending on the model this will be 1600, 3200 or 6400. This setting determines high sensitive to light the sensor in the camera is. We are cranking it up to max sensitivity. 
  3. Set your aperture or f-stop to the lowest setting. (the lowest number is the most wide open setting)
  4. Set your White Balance to Auto unless you know how to create a custom white balance for the light in the gym. The color temperature of sodium vapor and mercury vapor lights often found in gyms doesn't match up well to any of the usual white balance settings. 
  5. Keep the flash turned off .
  6. Take lots of pictures. Three good reasons:  Photography is a skill that takes practice to improve. Uploading them will drive sales and it improves the odds of getting a great shot.